

More looks from Xana Farias (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xana-Farias/264337156979247).

have a Maniac day™


Wandering eye

Keeping it coming!
Outfits provided by Xana Farias (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xana-Farias/264337156979247).

have a Maniac day™


Everybody is a star

Mais looks propostos pela Xana Farias (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xana-Farias/264337156979247), desta vez Guess by Marciano.
Esperamos que gostem!

More looks from Xana Farias (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xana-Farias/264337156979247), this time Guess by Marciano.
We hope that you like it!

have a Maniac day™


She's a lady

Mais dois looks prontos, tal como prometemos!
A roupa continua a ser cedida pela Xana Farias (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xana-Farias/264337156979247).

More outfits, just like we promised you!

have a Maniac day™


Somebody that I used to know

Pedimos à Mariana Reis e à Joana Lobo, amigas desde os seis anos, para partilharem connosco a sua cumplicidade, fruto de uma amizade de doze anos.
Aproveito para dizer que a Mariana Reis é irmã da J. (uma das criadoras do Twin Maniacs), daí a sua assídua presença neste blog.
Já agora o cão que aparece neste post chama-se Mogli e é o mais recente membro da famíla de J.

We asked Mariana Reis and Joana Lobo, friends since they were six years old, to share with us their strong bounds that came along with a twelve year long friendship.
We would like to clarify something about Mariana Reis, she's J's. (one of the creators of Twin Maniacs) sister and that's why she keeps showing up in our blog!
By the way the dog you're seeing in this post is called Mogli and he is the most recent member of J.'s and Mariana's family.

have a Maniac day™